Vet Clinic Ethical Prescribed Treatment. Splint installed post exam and fine needle aspiration. Non-surgical Safe by DVM.

Vet Clinic Ethical Prescribed Treatment. Splint installed post exam and fine needle aspiration. Non-surgical Safe by DVM.
Single-Use Treatment Kit $78 includes shipping Next Day Delivery USPS in USA.
Kit includes: Auralsplint plates; two rolls Durapore medical tape; hypodermic needle head; alcohol wipes; medical scissors; instructions.
Mobile phone orders please request blank order form below. Make Payment on 'Order" page at bottom with either PayPal button or Zelle with account
The Auralsplint is specifically formed and cut to the shape and size of your animal's ear. Height measured from head to tip. Width measure across around back of ear perpendicular to height at front junction.
Kit includes: Auralsplint plates; two rolls Durapore medical tape; hypodermic needle head; alcohol wipes; medical scissors; instructions.
All veterinary orders are originated from the Veterinary Portal Page. Consumer Ordering the Auralsplint is made easy by using the Form Letter email to allow input after measurements for your animal to ensure a close fit, and waiver to allow Auralsplint to provide the public this Rx medical ethical treatment kit.
The Auralsplint Mission is to have our ethical product in every veterinary clinic the the continental United States. The purpose of Auralsplint is not to replace a veterinarian, but to provide veterinarians and their consumers with a corrective medical based alternative to surgery for early onset aural hematoma in dogs.
To date, the Auralsplint has been used by hundreds of participants. Some of their reviews and stories are related in this section along with photos of the ears treated. All photos are property of Auralsplint Inc. PBC .
Questions and answers about the Auralsplint treatment are presented to assist the animal owner in their quest to find an alternative option to heal their animal's aural hematoma. Our Blog has more information and answers.
Veterinarians should find this page to contact Auralsplint for vet clinic starter packs, individual treatment kits and links to research articles including study results. Several hundred uses of our product show it safe and effective and clearly a revenue generator for the clinic. FDA conclusion statement and declaration of 'Ethical Product' can be found here.
The FDA concluded Class 1 Rx Medical Device Safe as Prescribed by DVM with clinical exam. Splinting performs the function of holding the ear in its natural shape allowing only a thin layer of blood clot to form, using the animal's healing abilities to seal the broken blood vessels, and re-grow the torn attachment tissues.
Those who desire to help further the efforts of Auralsplint are available for presentation.
This blog will allow interaction in real time questions and current help. If no immediate response, text me at 817-228-6401 with the Auralsplint title and your question. I will text back as soon as I get the message. Thanks.