Veterinarians can use this Ethical Rx FDA Class 1 Medical splint for treatment post successful needle aspiration. Starter packs are custom ordered to fit your clinic. Email button below for assistance and support. Typical initial order for 4 assorted trimmable primary plates with stabilizers $60 USD.
Study Manuscript: Auralsplint Descriptive Report - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13717.55520
In March 2020, Auralsplint Inc. PBC voluntarily submitted the Auralsplint treatment for Pre-Market Approval with the FDA. 9 weeks later, after several discussions, a conclusion was made declaring the Auralsplint a Class 1 Medical Device by definition requiring prescription by licensed veterinarians, as part of a whole treatment in clinic including routine exam and any other needed pathology to determine the 'cause' for the hematoma. It is Auralsplint's understanding the 'cause' of the hematoma is the ear has a broken blood vessel due to the actions by animal to shake the ears for relief from a condition. The condition is important to diagnosis and treat to keep from return behavior. In no way is the Auralsplint replacing a licensed veterinarian. However, with the Auralsplint in location, and the ear canal open and exposed, any underlying condition is treatable after installation. We would recommend the Auralsplint as a first line of defense for the aural hematoma affliction and the underlying conditions treatable at time of veterinary visit. The Auralsplint treatment kit is suitable for both clinical application, installation in the field, and by the animal owner at home through participation in ongoing study.
To receive a form letter for Requisition of no/low-cost Auralsplint Treatment Kits, email Daniel at Requirements are for non-profit animal shelters and the like city and county offered resources.