Auralsplint Inc. PBC was formed out of need. The Veterinary Clinics choose to use an invasive surgery or a less than effective pharma injection to treat aural hematoma. At the time of our founding, my dog Rojo became afflicted and was in need. After finding out the clinical approach, I decided there was a better way. I devised a clamping technique to isolate the ear flap in order to control the blood returning into the ear after hypodermic needle aspiration. It worked then, and it works now. I spent over 100 hours researching to find something similar and found there was very little from the opportunity to patent the idea and the possibility of making this a business. Many years later in 2006 I was awarded our first patent. Little did I know how closed the industry is to outside forces trying to introduce products into their market. Albeit discouraged, I persevered and was able to get a classification from the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device and Method for treating aural hematoma. The ‘Auralsplint’ is a prescription device safe as prescribed by DVM with an examination and after use of a hypodermic needle aspiration.
With little documentation of results for established surgical and medical conservative vet med treatments, I decided to perform a study of our treatment to the open market and allowed participants to use our treatment with the requirement to fulfill a returned survey about the treatment and the results. The response was more than adequate to allow me to write and publish the manuscript ‘Auralsplint – Descriptive Report' in 2020. Although the research is biased, the science is sound and the published results are true showing positive results when applied properly and for the duration of treatment. It has been noted the aesthetic results with normal ears after healing with no crinkle proves the treatment properly corrects the aural hematoma affliction in dog.
To better serve the public, I decided to form a Corporation for both protection and to market the treatment to the world. To date, we have had meager success, but important to note the general public has great regards for our service and very many dogs are now aural hematoma free and living again with normal ears. A great thanks to all those who participated and to those who are willing to use our product today.
Hopefully this year will turn toward the AVMA and Veterinary Clinics Nationwide in the USA will begin to see the importance of knowing the client is willing to use the medical ethical Auralsplint as a first line of treatment to avoid surgery or injections, and that use will help regain the once important status of the local veterinarian as a person of importance and humility to assist these clients in their time of need without forcing upon them excessive wounds and costs which are today associated with clinical vet visits.
The ultimate outcome for Auralsplint Inc PBC is to have several manufacturers and distributers of product to the US market as well as international distribution and in-country manufacture for sales to their clinics and clients at large. Licensing and Franchising rights are available to stakeholders who wish to profit greatly upon the introduction into the medical market through established vendors and teaching hospitals. Projected annual revenue in the tens of millions of dollars. Revenue outside the US market to double or triple this amount.
Auralsplint Inc. PBC
Justin, Texas, USA
Here is our Introductory Video to Auralsplint. Please listen and use our product to correct the aural hematoma in your dog. #Healingwithoutwounding
Here is our Explanation Video to Auralsplint. Please listen and use our product to correct the aural hematoma in your dog. #Healingwithoutwounding